Contested Adoption Trial Update: WE WON! ADOPTION TRIAL UPDATE: As many of our followers and clients know, Autumn spent the past 6 weeks deep into trial preparations and spent the end of August in trial on a very contested termination of parental rights and adoption case. Today we receive the ruling and… WE WON!! Our…

Happy Adoption Day! Adoption day! We are so honored to help another family finalize their adoption today! This family has been trying to complete their adoption for 2 years, so Attorney Hancock was delighted when they called to ask her to step in and help them they get it done. Today marks the end of…

Consideration Before Adding Yourself to Your Parents’ Deed This article is not Florida specific but points to some important considerations. Too often, clients call us to fix these issues after the fact instead of seeking advice before making a mistake. Before putting your name on your parents’ deed, be sure to investigate the tax implications.

Happy Adoption Day!! Just finished our last court hearing of the year – and how perfect that it was an adoption finalization! We are so honored to play a role in formalizing the bonds shared by this incredible family! Happy Adoption Day!! #adoption#adoptionislove#adoptionday#Lawyer#adoptionlawyer#newyear

Happy Adoption Day! What a wonderful way to start a new month! We are so honored to help formalize the family bonds that were already formed in your hearts. Love always leads to great miracles. Happy Adoption Day!

” Thanksgiving week is upon us and, although it’s been challenging, I have SO MUCH to be thankful for this year. One of the things that brings me the most joy in my life is the opportunity to help form families. What a fantastic way to spend a Friday afternoon! I LOVE ADOPTION DAY! ”…